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Booking your COVID-19 vaccine in our office

For Vaccine clinic: Oct 26

Note that we have signed a contract with public health to follow their guidelines as to who can get the shot.   So we can only give vaccine to adults who are at higher risk: so 65 and older, or an adult with a chronic health condition, or who is indigenous, or who is a health care worker.  There also has to be at least 168 days elapsed since your last dose, or since your last proven COVID infection.

Do not drive within 15 minutes of receiving the shot.  If you wish to spend less time in office, you may wait only 5 minutes in office, then the remaining 10 in your car - but return to the office if you start to feel unwell.


Please wear clothing that can be rapidly removed or adjusted so that we can see the ENTIRE shoulder area to ensure the shot goes in safely.


Note: if the separate timeslots are not right next to each other, come in together - we'll fix the schedule on our end.

We do have other times to book - but you will need to call.

You do not need to be a patient of our office to get the COVID shot with us.

The Oakville Health Centre

1060 Speers Road, Suite 117

Oakville, ON, L6L 2X4

Receptionist/booking: 905-845-8884

   Extension tree: 1 - to cancel

                            4 - Dr. May

                            5 - Drs.Hooda & Kamara

To reach the nurse: 905-845-8134

Phone lines are open from:

9:00 to 12:00, and 1:30 to 4:30,

Monday to Thursday

The office is closed Friday

After hours, or if you need more urgent assessment than can be obtained at our office, please go to our Walk-in-Clinic.

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