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Booking Links for COVID -19 Vaccines

The Provincial Booking System below may either book your COVID appointment directly, or redirect you to your local public health booking system.  Eligible groups vary depending on which region you are in.

The local booking links also still work - only book using one of the systems - do not book using both links!

Oakville, Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton

Booking for Mississauga and Brampton

Pharmacy booking links for all types of vaccine:

Guidance on how to safely drive someone who is not in your household to their vaccine appointment (or anywhere, really):

The Oakville Health Centre

1060 Speers Road, Suite 117

Oakville, ON, L6L 2X4

Receptionist/booking: 905-845-8884

   Extension tree: 1 - to cancel

                            4 - Dr. May

                            5 - Drs.Hooda & Kamara

To reach the nurse: 905-845-8134

Phone lines are open from:

9:00 to 12:00, and 1:30 to 4:30,

Monday to Thursday

The office is closed Friday

After hours, or if you need more urgent assessment than can be obtained at our office, please go to our Walk-in-Clinic.

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